Agent Commercial Risk Management

Keep Your Business Protected Using Cybersecurity Testing

Cybercriminals pride themselves on finding unknown vulnerabilities and exploiting them. So, how do you keep your business protected from hackers? One of the best solutions is to use cybersecurity testing to find potential weak spots.

While an excellent cyber insurance policy will protect your business from significant losses after a threat, ensuring a robust first line of defense is necessary. Check out the tips below for ways to proactively test your company’s cybersecurity.

Testing Cybersecurity

Here are a few ways to go about testing cybersecurity:

  • Vulnerability & Security Scans: IT professionals use designated software to test a business network for common vulnerabilities and misconfigurations (unencrypted data, poor firewalls, etc.).
  • Penetration Testing: What better way to test security than to try to hack into it yourself? This method includes hiring someone to intentionally initiate a cyberattack to determine weak spots.
  • Cybersecurity Audit: During an audit, an independent IT professional reviews a company’s network to find potential vulnerabilities and advise how they should be remedied.
  • Risk Assessment: Your cyber insurance professional and cyber insurance company can help you determine, based on your type of business and operations, where your cybersecurity risk lies.

Protecting Against the Unknown

No matter how many types of testing you use to evaluate your business’s cybersecurity, cyber insurance is all about protecting against the unknown. Unfortunately, hackers are learning new tactics to wreak havoc every day.

Having a fool-proof cyber insurance policy is the best way to keep your company cyber-safe. Be sure to reach out to an experienced cyber insurance agent to to discuss your coverage options. 

For a tailored business insurance plan and quote, please contact Steve Longenecker (303-808-9351 x2) at Mountain Insurance: Longmont.

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