Cyber Liability Personal Risk Management

Can Saying “Hey Alexa” Create Personal Liability?

The Smart House

Devices like Amazon’s Echo have made it even easier to have direct access to the internet from anywhere in your home. The gadget, which is no larger than a hockey puck, lets your smartphone and other smart devices (appliances, thermostat, TV) seamlessly interact to bring your home to life. 

Now, instead of with a touch of a button, it’s as simple as saying one word, or as Amazon calls it, a wake word. As soon as you say “Alexa,” you have endless options. You can turn on music, adjust the settings on your smart appliances, and even order your groceries.

However, with infinite convenience comes a few new personal liability exposures.

Personal Information Exposure Risks

Using Alexa can increase your personal information exposure risks.

  • Users can mute or turn off the microphone, but many people forget to do so.
  • Devices are not only limited to adults—there are many documented cases of children making purchases via voice commands.
  • Amazon invites third-party developers to make skills (programs that are similar to apps on your phone) that run on the Echo and could potentially gather private information.
  • Amazon hires contractors to listen to consumer voice recordings to improve the function of their devices.
  • The third-party doctrine states that the government may obtain any information you voluntarily give to third parties (banks, phone companies, retailers, etc.).

Our top priority is to keep you, your family, and your private information safe in your own home. Let us help you find and choose the most comprehensive personal insurance policies to protect your loved ones.

Contact Kimberly (303-808-9351, ext. 4) at Mountain Insurance: Longmont to review your personal insurance needs in Longmont, CO, or our neighboring communities.

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